I'm starting this thread for things you like the most/your hobbies/interests.
Doesn't have to be current interests, could be something you liked in the past.
And, I'm hoping everyone could keep it strictly a "picture/video thread" to keep the mystique, if possible. So, for starters:
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwfiRtbw1vM
Now, where have we heard these ideas before in the East?
1. Two swords [metal] that can cut thru almost anything
2. One sword is broader in dimension than the other
3. The broader sword of the pair has the alternate name of Dragon Saber
AND as a BONUS, there are halves of a secret map (BB8 & R2D2 each carrying half of secret map to Luke anyone?) hidden within the hollow inside of the BLADE of each METAL sword that can only be obtained by clashing their blades together to break them b/c they're the only swords that can cut thru almost anything including each other...
Hmm... Let us think... Anyone have an idea? (The answer will be revealed in a week from today)
From IGN Wiki on the blue lightsaber:
When Luke faced Darth Vader in Cloud City on Bespin, he lost the saber along with his right hand to Vader's saber stroke. The saber plummeted down the principal pylon shaft on Cloud City and [descended from Heaven] out of knowledge.
However, the saber re-emerged during Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Movie poster art shows Finn with Luke's lightsaver in hand.