XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...
Almost there!

Recall that I mentioned that I had downloaded a new FoxPro 2.6 from the Internet. I got it at
http://www.WinWorldPC.com but don't expect to use it -- just copy the working FoxPro folder from the PC over to the Mini as the last item on your list. Visual FoxPro is/was Microsoft's attempt to spruce up FoxPro 2.6, but I've never been attracted to VFP because of its object-oriented coding. Plain and simple FoxPro 2.6 did and does all I ever wanted or needed to do for my simple programing needs.
Some notes:
1) on the PC, my drive C:\ has a capacity of 150GB with free space of 147GB. Drive C:\ has 20 folders and 35 files. One of the folders is "Program Files" which only has 2 folders and 35 files. Another of the folders is "Windows". The desktop icon to launch a working FoxPro points to D:\FPW26
2) on the PC again, my drive D:\ has a capacity of 315GB with free space of 294GB. Drive D:\ has 52 folders and 48 files. Of the 52 folders, one of them is "FPW26, another is "Program Files", and yet another is "Windows". The "Program Files" folder contains 142 folders and 11 files. So it would seem that most of my programs are on Drive D:\ and not on Drive C:\ -- which can't be all bad, because that's where my presently working copy of FoxPro 2.6 is located.
3) my Mini is a 32-bit machine.
Progress report for the Mini:
All old FoxPro files and folders have been deleted/uninstalled.
All registry items related to FoxPro have been deleted.
An external drive is holding all the PC's registry items relating to FoxPro and it's ready to be connected to the Mini.
Curious, I right-clicked on the first of the PC's 20 exported registry items and got the following choices:
Scan with AVG
Open with ....
Add to Zip
Add to "NameOfKey.zip"
Zip & Email "NameOfKey.zip"Scan with Malwares Bytes Anti-Malware
Send to
Create Shortcut
so, of course, I thought I'd best check with you before proceeding any further.
I presume "Merge" is the way to go. What will it actually do when selected?
Note: I noted that a number of registry keys had LOTS of 'NAME', 'TYPE', and 'DATA' values attached to them with only 1 or 2 details relating to FoxPro 2.6; did EVERYTHING on those keys get exported? Will EVERYTHING get imported to the Mini? Is that why there is an "Edit" choice upon clicking on any one exported registry key -- to get rid of the un-FoxPro material in the Key?
What's the transfer process? IMPORT then Merge? Merge all by itself? Merge then Import? Or something else?
Once the 20 keys are imported/merged into the Mini's registry, should I check to see how it compares to the PC's Foxpro-related keys before copying the PC's "FoxPro" folder and files over to its new location on the Mini?
P.S. I've never fiddled around so deeply into ANY registry of all the computers that I have!!!!!