I do not have anything to compare it to, it is fast enough for me but it might be because I can only get 4up and 1dn from my ISP and I only have 2gb of memory, but I don't play games, just surf the web, so I just live with it, 
your off subject but huge on life observations are very gracious, full of clinical truth and sometimes funny.
the flowers and birds miss you man, I know they told me
Sadly, you gotta go out doors or get just as sick as if some one beat you up,
nature deficit disorder is huge real and will take years off your life, and make any of us, depressed and numb, or cranky.
The future has brought you a long way to "Now", I bet you have great wisdom, joy giving wisdom, find a park with a cop, a church yard in the country, a poet said we find heaven in our selves by subtraction of personality
not add on's, you sound so free of "Bent Self" I bet you can almost sense eternity these days, nature loves you trimis, and would adore blowing thru that beautiful white hair of yours..
Have pity on her, go walk in the fields and give her something to boast about-
the reptiles are not of her making.
The squirrels don't like roasted peanuts cause the heated grease/fat is hard on everybody's liver to digest, raw are better for humans too.
I am still getting Mozilla updates, so I am at a loss to understand what the worry is, did they change their minds.
weither i like a movie, news clip or what ever, I always down load it to watch with a down loader to watch on WMP, that way theres no distracting crap on the screen, Etc. then delete later as I always am 20 Gbs free on memory. I was informed by my down loader company I am not able to down load as many vids as i used to cause i am XP
This is sad as i have discovered a great and wonderful thing, tho was way the heck before my time, I am downloading silent movies, some are complete works of art, and don't rattle my brains. and are almost never about some mutant reptile kidnapping little girls.
Dam healthy stuff
I down load any movie i want and play in mp4., I have about 300 I have never watched, mostly older stuff, I have a deficit , it called good taste, I got about 50 silents the other day, way way before my time but most tasteful, and nurturing.I assume you don't have a dvd burner
I have no idea, i deliberately don't keep track of such things anymore.Remind me which version you are using?
Mozilla made a huge mistake leaving xp users with such an awful build.
I down load any movie i want and play in mp4., I have about 300 I have never watched, mostly older stuff, I have a deficit , it called good taste, I got about 50 silents the other day, way way before my time but most tasteful, and nurturing.
I got tiered of looking at the selection for hours at free movie sites, as everything was my "Daughter is missing" crap, shame on liam nelson, all that talent wasted on. I got a update form Mozilla last night for my XP,
I have no idea, i deliberately don't keep track of such things anymore.
So as not to leave a rude sounding post i just clicked around on my start button,
but could find no model info. I think my machine is xp professional.
The problem with downloading movies is twofold:
1. It fills up your hard disc, so you then eventually have to jettison movies to make room for new ones.
2. When you delete movie 'A' to make room for movie 'B', then go back to that site to download movie 'A' to watch it again in a year or two, you may find its no longer there, or the site maybe kaput, and you will have to go looking for that movie again.
The problem older actors all have is that good parts dry up, and Hollyweird only sends crappy jobs their way...at least Liam Neeson has resisted doing a remake of 'Plan 9 From Outer Space'!
Liam is just making all the money he can to insure the future of his children,
he was married to Natasha Richardson, she was a extremely mentally rich and deep person, for him to get her, I know who he is ASAP, he see's the way the world is going and money is a buffer, I don't blame him in the least.
Bela Lugosi made the "Wolf Man" with Claude Raine's, and Lon Chaney Jr,
one of the classiest movies ever made, morally, artistically and inspiration-ally,
No Hetero man should be allowed to date with out seeing it.
Bela Lugosi tho did too many, made vampire movies with a great moral message,
sometimes the most romantic and dashing males are psychotic narcissists men,
And one must question the whole idea of "A Romance" that makes you bleed.
If A person was nurtured properly as a child these movies made you a better person, that made you see whats outside the "Nurture Arena"
But Val Lewtons "Cat People" and "Revenge of the Cat People" were the sick woman is healed and comes back in "Spirit" to heal others were the moral master pieces of moviedom. His Movie "Leopard Man" also was a master piece about men who secretly hate women, because those men are a complete mystery to their own inner hearts.
Which most men are.
Elizabeth, I did not forget you, sorry we went off to space here, it just happened,
I will do better in the future to stick to subject.
Considering the issues attached to WMP (shoddy workmanship, spyware, etc.), replacing it with a better player would be a good idea.Hello Trimis
I have 20 GB's free on my Xp home hard disk at all times, but I have 5 x128 flash drives hanging off the machine. I mostly never erase what i put on them except history and documentary's. mp 4 music i down load in 480 for better sound, movies 360 unless its really a good copy. I have a back up for every flash.
I am going off grid eventually, and will have all I want in entertainment, comedy, music concerts and master piece movies I want, and hi end stereo equip to watch/hear in on.
But i continue to have voice sync issues with my WMP, really makes me mad, I may move to a whole different player and soon.
whats the spy warespyware
whats the spy ware
Really,Skel, it was not a mistake,
this is the disgustingly stupid, and shows the lacking of the public's self esteem ,,,,,,,,its not a soft ware issue, its a Anti- trust issue.
They did it cause people bend over for it, people think its all they deserve.
While a billion dollar a year Govt. J-Dept staff, with no co pay insurance, great pensions and for every ten days you work, you get one payed day off with pay, plus Vac. Time.
Who do nothing.
if you tell an angel they are a undeserving pig long enough they will believe it,
Hi this is the telephone company, you have a rotary dial phone, we refuse to
give you service till you buy a touch tone. Now bend over and buy one![]()
Even Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, etc., fell on hard times as they aged
Look over these:SPEAKING OF WMP
my voices have been out of sync for months, Liz gave me a fixer but it did not fix this issue.
I really hate look at a traffic stop with vic, feel my life is geeked enough,
WMP lets me make a single legal copy of my Cd's which i always do
is there another player that will let you make cd copys and is not a geek trip thru hell, cause WMP can be a nightmare enough
i TRIED KMPLAYER which has left bits of crap all over my computer, many files still asked to be played by it