So, this Otter browser is basically Pale Moon but for Opera instead of Firefox?
Interesting looking site: I shall bookmark that one.
Are the older versions of the mainstream browsers that are no longer supported still usable? (At your own risk basis)
Be helpful if users will share their experience of the browsers listed.
You have set yourself quite an appraisal exercise.
The trouble with the current browser 'market', unfortunately, is that, apart from a few 'oddball' one-offs (like QtWeb, for instance), absolutely everything is based on either Chromium or FireFox.....and FireFox is fast becoming yet another Chromium 'wannabe'.....
You only have to browse any number of forums, where you find similar threads to this, asking what browsers folks run. In nearly every case, the majority of respondents quote Chromium-based browsers of one stripe or another.....because it really is the most efficient browser to use bar none.
I've been using Chrome since the first, 'beta', evaluation pre-release version in Autumn 2008, and haven't looked back since. Google know all there is to know about me (which is precious little, 'cos I'm very careful what I let them find out).
Better the devil you know...!!
I have not tried it yet on XP and will probably put it off as long as possible. Been following Tor threads on wilderssecurity forum, and its real confusing. One faction says you should only use Tor browser, another says only Tor Browser Bundle, then another votes for Vidalia. One faction swears you have to configure it just right, then another says never mess with the default settings. Too confusing for me. I'll likely try it on Linux long before I get the gumption to try it on XP Pro. I've got like 4 or 5 distros that use Tor, waiting to test drive.Anyone use the 'Tor' browser??
I have not tried it under XP, but did try with an old comp with Ubuntu, went to a place or two where I had to turn off the comp to exit, who/what ever it was couldnt get in but the comp just froze up. (ubuntu 11.xx? with bars top & bottom, I love that layout. Didja know you can swap the hdd to another different comp and after a while it (ubu) works, no need to reinstall os, , , ,)
I have decided that when i can't use xp i will get off the net, I think this is a wholesome thing to do.
Sept has come and gone and I see/have no problems going out to sites still using what ever fire fox is in my machine, I say what "ever Firefox" I have because I really don't care what it is, life is too short to have this computer wag my dog.
I still find books are the greatest invention ever made.
Then you can look at your platform migration options (which is really what an XP forum should be about in 2017 I'm afraid - "what is the best method of replacing XP".) Taking the approach of "You'll have to pry XP out of my cold, dead hands" is not one you should bet on.
Now I pick up a book, and within 15 minutes I start to yawn
Ha Ha maybe your mind and body wants a nap
I think books will save our lives, for me, the highest tech invention ever made is a
"Table of Contents" plus if you go back 50 years, the authors had mothers,
and put a huge whole beautiful esthetic in their work that is gone from modern work, plus books don't disrupt your sleep cycle and they make you right brained from "use" which means more "dopamine cascade" over the brain during other activities.
no body every blew their class room away with a normal brain cascade and good sleep cycle.
Enjoy the link- which is early research, now ..............even "little Fake book screens" are associated with cancer from broken melatonin production from "Led hangover sleeping" which is never deep sleep.