ArcticFoxie/NotHereToPlayGames -- 360Chrome v13.5

I am using the googled version.

I noticed the googled version is missing a translation, please look at attached image.

How may I enable, english translation in the ungoogled version?

Nice Releases.


  • untitled.JPG
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has anyone gotten mega to work correctly on any older browsers? (besides mypal) I'm looking into switching to chrome based browsers and use mega a lot so has this been tested yet?
I base this on creating and using the browser with multiple accounts. It appears the profile is the same for all users.

How can I modify the configuration to support multiple profiles. Ideally, the profile being in their account and not a public profile. Examples are welcome.
I base this on creating and using the browser with multiple accounts. It appears the profile is the same for all users.

How can I modify the configuration to support multiple profiles. Ideally, the profile being in their account and not a public profile. Examples are welcome.
I've yet to figure out how to create new profiles in Chrome but I'm still on the learning curve dealing with Chrome, as before this I only used FF and PM based browsers.
There doesn't seem to be a way to create profiles in 360Chrome v13 builds - the option is missing. Maybe ArcticFoxie can chime in on how to enable this or whether it will be supported in future builds.
I base this on creating and using the browser with multiple accounts. It appears the profile is the same for all users.

How can I modify the configuration to support multiple profiles. Ideally, the profile being in their account and not a public profile. Examples are welcome.

"on 2/5/2023 at 10:42 AM, UCyborg said:

Add this to 360chrome.exe launch parameters:

--user-data-dir="%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\360Chrome\Chrome\User Data"

Though I prefer to add LOCALAPPDATA to user environment variables (only needed on XP which doesn't support it natively: My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables) and set it to: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data

Then I can use --user-data-dir like so:

--user-data-dir="%LOCALAPPDATA%\360Chrome\Chrome\User Data"

So the Target field in shortcut's properties pointing to 360chrome.exe would look something like:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\360Chrome\Chrome\Application\360chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="%LOCALAPPDATA%\360Chrome\Chrome\User Data"

The shortcut may be placed on the public desktop / start menu->programs folder, then everyone will have it that way by default, presuming they use the shortcut."

I will give it a try. thanks.

Since I do not have a default account on here, I just did the following.


changed --user-data-dir to..

"%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\360Chrome\User Data"

ArcticFoxie's download links are all invalid. He hasn't posted here or on MSFN recently (all his download links there are also gone). Has he stopped working on his 360Chrome?
Thanks for the info guys - I had the link to his old thread which was locked. This will also be helpful to others looking for updates on his browser.