Windows XP forum can not be used from Windows XP

Plus with active x it was very vulnerable.
This. ActiveX was a huge security hole and was widely exploited by hackers. Just visiting a dodgy website would cause malware to be downloaded and installed without prompting the user. I used Netscape then Firefox to avoid this but I had to help many unsuspecting IE users back then. Unfortunately you had to use IE for Microsoft's websites or download updates because it relied on ActiveX.

Internet Explorer is the browser you use to download another browser.
At least it looks good. Among other things.
I remember there was a skin for firefox that would make it look similar to IE7. But I don't know if it exist anywhere or if it is compatible with Newmoon or Serpent Browser.

I don't know what other things you're talking about. When you said among other things.
^especially if you use --ignore-certificate-errors in your shortcut
Mypal is great, but if you want low memory usage, especially with many tabs open, try K-Meleon version 75 (Goanna engine)

I remember the old days when I still used gmail... I used the KMeleon Loader which preloads KM code without an open window. I could open and close gmail pretty much instantly (hard drive, never an SSD), it was even faster than beloved Opera12 :cool: it felt like Eudora (desktop POP3 email client that now supports IMAP and SMTP)
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