Windows Update site - IE "cannot display the webpage"

go to microsoft download catalog and search for updates for ie8, you may need these to access update site

Its easier than that.. The XP update tag directs you to
This site no longer exists. Just remove the windows part and enter and you will find that updates are there. It needs ie8 to work properly.
Also go to custom to get all the updates. Suddenly there seem to be a lot more available for XP.
thanks, Bobdee47, that is a great idea, :)

Maybe I have missed something, but is there a way of changing XP home to point to update.micro... rather than windowsupdate.micro....? I have , like many folk here, a collection of old XP machines, and as has been said already, some use update.micro... , for example, the XP Professional ones whereas the older XP Home ones use windowsupdate. Re instaling XP from original disks will thus always result in updates failing to be applied.
The general intention is obviously to deter re installation of XP, The discontinuation of the windowsupdate site has happened only recently, I guess just a few months ago, so many XP users trying to get the latest anti ransomware fixes will try in vain.
when you reinstall and go to windows update you are given the option to update to microsoft updates, this puts a direct link at the top of the the all programs page.

but before you go to the site you should already be updated to ie8 and possibly the cumulative update specified in my previous reply. (the one with the office updates)
when you reinstall and go to windows update you are given the option to update to microsoft updates, this puts a direct link at the top of the the all programs page.

but before you go to the site you should already be updated to ie8 and possibly the cumulative update specified in my previous reply. (the one with the office updates)
Thanks for that. A question though , does it offer this option on all versions of XP?. My original XP installation disk has no service packs `and re-installation takes hours n hours n hours. Not something to be entered into lightly. Also does the direct link on the windows update page (control panel - automatic updates), get changed?

go here:

read reply by Volume Z on the second page, I installed the two updates (I have office 2003 installed) and now my update site is working again. :)

Hi Elizabeth,
I went to the above website and looked at the two updates talked about. I've got the KB3191830 (XL update) via my last successful "Microsoft Update" on 4-12-2017, but I don't have the second one, KB3191835 (Word update). When I click on the update number I get a message box "would you like to save this file". If I save it, will I be able to "install" it from the saved spot ?? I've never "manually" installed a MS update so give me all the directions ?? I plan to scan the file for viruses via Norton if I save it. So, you're saying that after you installed the two updates, your MS Update Option started working again, instead of just loading up the CPU 100% (SVCHOST.EXE) ?? This is the most "hope" I've had with this issue since happening in May.
Always download anything to your desktop, I do. and then scan it, and just double click and it will install , follow the prompts, I do lots of manual installs, you can install it from wherever you downloaded it to, it is just best to always download to the desktop.

When I did the updates for office and there was one update for a cumulative update to xp, my updates sites started working again.

there will be a slight cpu draw but for me it only lasted a minute or so before svchost.exe started flutuating to lesser percentages.
DonP22, well it seems that it is broken again, I went to the site to check after posting above and it ran for almost an hour, but there was the update ready icon in the notification bar and it was for a new 2007 compatibility update: kb 2596904
but I already have that installed, and when researching it found out it was for vista and up. Let me know if the update site worked for you maybe it is a onetime thing, I will keep trying to get a clear fix.
DonP22, well it seems that it is broken again, I went to the site to check after posting above and it ran for almost an hour, but there was the update ready icon in the notification bar and it was for a new 2007 compatibility update: kb 2596904
but I already have that installed, and when researching it found out it was for vista and up. Let me know if the update site worked for you maybe it is a onetime thing, I will keep trying to get a clear fix.

Hi Elizabeth,
The short answer is "no", it's still not working for me either. I downloaded both updates (KB3191830 & KB3191835) at the post from the guy that told you about the "fix". I had already installed the "XL" update from my last successful regular monthly update back in April. I installed the "Word" update and verified "both" updates were now on my PC via Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs. So, I then went to my "start" button, my panel of choices came up, I chose the "Microsoft Update" one (not the Windows one), it opened IE-8, plugged the update URL in, a window comes up saying it's checking to see if I have the latest Active X SW, then the update panel comes up with the choice of "Express or Custom" search. I chose "Custom" and my PC started searching. I watched the Task Manager icon fluctuate up and down for about 30 seconds while my hard drive light was flashing, then the CPU went to 100% "solid", like it's been doing since this problem started. The hard drive light pretty much stopped flashing, the modem icon had no activity, but I let it go for about 15 minutes before closing IE-8 and stopping the process. The one thing I didn't do was delete "both" updates, since I already had installed (XL), and "re" installed "both" via the updates I downloaded today as I didn't think it would help. This is really frustrating for sure. I noticed that "9" people checked the box from the "update" post from the guy that told you about this solution for "it solved their problem", but I wonder if it just worked "one" time like it did for you ?? I also "don't" have the update you talk about above that was meant for "Vista" users. Why would a search come back with that for you when you were using an "XP" machine ?? I hope you can find out about this as it really bugs me to have a problem like this. I really appreciate your effort on this.
there is not much I have not tried. i've registered practically every dll on my pc, :) , uninstalled and reinstalled ie8. thought I had found the problem because even though I had auto updates set to automatic, when I went to net stop wuauserv, it told me it was not started. bummer, so I restarted and tried it again and it stopped and started fine, but the search for updates either with express and or custom went on too long, again! I was getting a lot of dcom errors in event viewer for wuauserv, so I disabled msdtc, distributed transaction coordinator, stopped the dcom errors, but did not help with the update site, so I put it back to manual. I had read on one update site that if automatic updates had been turned off then it was my own fault, but that had never been a problem before. I have not kept updates automatic since 2014. and never had a problem turning it on and then checking for updates and then turning it off again. BTW, I did not install the update for vista and office2007. So am still going to try a few more things, I am going to go back to windows update and then reupgrade to microsoft updates and see if that will work. will post results.
UPdate: well that didn't work, still was searching under custom for over15 minutes, and svchost was low at first and then went to the 90's and stayed there. will keep trying to find a solution.
UPdate: well that didn't work, still was searching under custom for over15 minutes, and svchost was low at first and then went to the 90's and stayed there. will keep trying to find a solution.
Hi Elizabeth,
I noticed something in your previous post about "turning on auto updates" and then "checking for updates". Since 2014, when MS stopped XP support, I'd left the updates "on" in the choice of "notify me, but don't auto download or install them". I think is was March 2017 when the second Tuesday came and my system was bogged down (99% CPU usage, svchost for a very long time) and I figured out it was the auto updates when the icon appeared in the activity tray that I had updates available to download. So, I clicked on the icon, they were downloaded, installed and things went back to normal performance. But, after that episode, I turned "off" the auto updates. Then, when April came, I waited until the second "Wednesday", to let the early birds get their updates in auto mode. Then I went to "manual, Microsoft Updates" ( without turning on auto updates), things went fine, it identified some Office updates, I downloaded them and installed them and that was it, as normal. Then, when I tried the same process in May 2017, all of this svchost at 99% started and would not "yield" a search result. I was hopeful that the manual install of the supposed two latest Office updates would do the trick, but all the time I was thinking, "Why would that fix anything" ?? I'd gotten "one" of those updates via the April download, so maybe there was a "coded" message in the other one that would "unlock" the update MS door. It didn't work for me, even one time like it did for you. I just don't see why it would bother MS to continue to let XP users get Office updates as it still does "not" make XP any safer. There's got to be a "key" to this issue and I hope someone finds it. I think I'll try "un" installing both of the Office updates that the previous fix was supposed to make happen and then "re" install them both back to back. Can't hurt I guess.
at this point anything will help, tell me are you getting any errors in you event viewer??

everytime I tried I got dcom errors for wuauserv. I did a net stop/start wuarserv with command prompt to ensure auto updates was on. Mine has been disabled since 2014 and I enabled auto updates every time I went to check on any office updates. like you I experienced no problems until lately. so I also will keep checking, I am almost to the point where I might do a fresh install to see if some third party program is interfering, my next try is to disable my antivirus and see if it will start checking, but one thing I did was renamed the software distribution folder and I do know that when that step is taking search will take a long time because it has to rebuild that folder again anew. :(
at this point anything will help, tell me are you getting any errors in you event viewer??

everytime I tried I got dcom errors for wuauserv. I did a net stop/start wuarserv with command prompt to ensure auto updates was on. Mine has been disabled since 2014 and I enabled auto updates every time I went to check on any office updates. like you I experienced no problems until lately. so I also will keep checking, I am almost to the point where I might do a fresh install to see if some third party program is interfering, my next try is to disable my antivirus and see if it will start checking, but one thing I did was renamed the software distribution folder and I do know that when that step is taking search will take a long time because it has to rebuild that folder again anew. :(

Hi Elizabeth,
Nothing good came of "un" installing both Office updates and then "re" installing them manually via the downloads from the guy that "thought" he had the fix. I'm not familiar with dcom errors and wuarserv. As I told you in the previous post, after auto updates started bogging down my CPU back in March, I turned off "auto updates" and was still able to use the "Microsoft updates" option from my "Start" panel and things worked fine for April and that was my last successful update. I too wonder about my anti virus (Norton Internet Security) as there were problems with their Norton Tool Bar around that time too. I'll try shutting off Norton and see what happens also, but don't have a lot of hope anymore. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by errors in my "event" viewer ?? Do you mean "task manager" viewer ??
start, control panel, administrative tools, event viewer

when you open event viewer, you will see applications, security, system and maybe a couple of others,(I removed all but the 3 listed above), the most important are applications and system, if you click on applications, in the right hand panel you will see info, warning, and error msgs, when you double click on a msg a detailed dialog box will open and you can read further info, When I search an error on line I use the Source and the Event ID. You can clear the individual logs by right clicking on the directory and choose to clear all logs, save or not your choice. by clearing the logs you will always have current info to peruse.

Task manager lets you see what processes are running and this is where you can view the svchost taking up the cpu.

Process explorer is a more robust form of task manager , the link is for the last version for xp, the new version is for vista and higher. you can hover the mouse over the svchost and it will show what services are possible using that, and you can right click and choose other options like searching online to research a process you do not know.
start, control panel, administrative tools, event viewer

when you open event viewer, you will see applications, security, system and maybe a couple of others,(I removed all but the 3 listed above), the most important are applications and system, if you click on applications, in the right hand panel you will see info, warning, and error msgs, when you double click on a msg a detailed dialog box will open and you can read further info, When I search an error on line I use the Source and the Event ID. You can clear the individual logs by right clicking on the directory and choose to clear all logs, save or not your choice. by clearing the logs you will always have current info to peruse.

Task manager lets you see what processes are running and this is where you can view the svchost taking up the cpu.

Process explorer is a more robust form of task manager , the link is for the last version for xp, the new version is for vista and higher. you can hover the mouse over the svchost and it will show what services are possible using that, and you can right click and choose other options like searching online to research a process you do not know.

Hi Elizabeth,
Since my last post, I turned off Norton Internet Security (both Firewall and Auto Protect), then tried "Microsoft Updates" and nothing changed; just kept searching with CPU pegged at 100%. I went to the "Event Viewer" and here's what I found:
1. Applications=3,771 events, since 9-30-2016. A few warnings and errors
2. Security=2,085 events, since 6-7-2017. All events were "Success Audit".
3. System=1,356 events, since 5-27-2017. Some errors and warnings.
4. Internet Explorer=No items to show.

Let me know what codes, descriptions, etc. to look for and I'll check to see if I have anything of meaning. Thanks for all the info in your last post. If MS has decided to block any XP users to the update site and information, I'm sure there's a way for them to do it and all of our efforts will be in vain. I have to wonder if MS is that mean and greedy.
you need to clear the event viewer logs so you can get current info, if there are any errors then I want to see those , open a reply box here in the forum, in the dialog box of the error on the right side is an icon that looks like an open book click on that and then in the reply box right click and choose paste and the info will be copied here.

blue info is just that information
yellow is warning
red is error.


from researching I have read that sometimes it is an update from ms that causes updates to breakdown, some say it was an office update. I am seriously thinking of reinstalling, just to see if it will work.again, I have 4gb of updates in my PortUp cache, the only ones I generally get from MS are the windows genuine advantage and office and .net updates.

a lot of people seem to get the MS site to work ONCE after the fix I used and then no more, so we are not alone. :)
you need to clear the event viewer logs so you can get current info, if there are any errors then I want to see those , open a reply box here in the forum, in the dialog box of the error on the right side is an icon that looks like an open book click on that and then in the reply box right click and choose paste and the info will be copied here.

blue info is just that information
yellow is warning
red is error.


from researching I have read that sometimes it is an update from ms that causes updates to breakdown, some say it was an office update. I am seriously thinking of reinstalling, just to see if it will work.again, I have 4gb of updates in my PortUp cache, the only ones I generally get from MS are the windows genuine advantage and office and .net updates.

a lot of people seem to get the MS site to work ONCE after the fix I used and then no more, so we are not alone. :)

Hi Elizabeth,
I've cleared all my event logs and I'll monitor it to see what, if anything shows up. I assume you want me to try to use MS Updates and then after it fails to work, look in the event viewer to see what it recorded as to errors, etc. ??
I hope we don't have to reinstall Office and then manually all of the updates. Right now my add and remove programs shows under folder for "Compatibility Pack for 2007 Office System (64.4MB)", plus 9 more updates beginning on 11-11-2011 ending on 6-16-2017 when I manually installed the two updates from the guys post that was supposed to have the "fix". Do you have anymore updates than I show ?? I would think we should only have to remove and reinstall any updates that occurred on April and later as everything before that was working OK. I also have MS Office XP Pro with FrontPage and it has a lot of updates, but nothing beyond 6-16-2011. My last update for IE was KB2964358 on 5-3-2014 and my last XP update was KB971029 on 3-17-2017 which I think just disabled auto play for USB flash drive plugs.
I'll keep watching my even viewer and let you know.