Why do you use Windows XP

Well I use Windows XP 64 and here are my reasons:

1- Stability: I must say that this is the most stable Microsoft OS I´ve ever used. Rock solid. Is extremely rare that a program manages to crash the whole system. Windows 10 or 11 can´t compare. Updates break something very often.

2- Performance: If you use a relatively modern computer with XP 64 you will notice that it feels very snappy. It reminds me of windows 2000 pro. Windows 10 or 11 can´t compare. I think SSDs where created for these crap OSs. I mean it´s not that often that regular users need to move tons of data around that would need the speed. You need the speed because Windows 10 and 11 load so much crap and spyware that the HDD heads can´t keep up. Also in gaming, any game that is DX9 you would get a few fps more on XP than in any newer version.

3- Audio: I have and Auzentech X-raider audio card and I have 2 sets of speakers with one subwoofer. On XP I can setup the driver to provide audio to all the speakers to all software that has audio. And also XP has EAX. Since Vista, Microsoft broke the audio making it more of software and OS controlled instead of hardware. Now here´s the problem. If I try to setup the speakers the way I did on XP it just doesn´t work. If I setup 4 speakers it only works on Windows Mediaplayer. All other software only use 2 speakers. Heck in XP even youtube videos have sound in all speakers.

What are your reasons for using XP? Is it just nostalgia? Or is XP just better ?
hey yesterday i installed XP pro x64 isn't it just so nostalgic


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Hmmm... Maybe XPforums will get bigger because of it...
Yes, I hope our forum will build up again, would be nice as I see this once was very active.
It could if there's a resurgence in XP for whatever reason. I think one of the surest ways of doing this now that I've thought about it is to have guides on how to do things in XP for free that rival the modern windows--DAW, video editing, word processing, spreadsheets, publishing, file server, NAS, etc. There's a lot of people that cannot afford the complexity and prices of modern day computing and XP can be the best solution for such use cases.
Wasn´t the source code for a version of XP discovered some time ago ? I thought that would bring some interest but I guess it didn´t.
I think that was just a rumor. Even the source code for DOS or Windows 3.1 never got released/leaked.
Hi everyone,

i thought this would be a good place to make my first post, say hello and give my 2 (euro-) cent why i am staying (or better: switching back) to XP:

I am an IT guy by trade and manage a Windows network for a medium sized company. After i had to replace a literally burnt laptop which uses a custom software to connect to a machine (which only runs on Systems up to XP) i had after nearly a decade again my first contact with Windows XP. What personally shocked me was the speed and responsiveness even on an Thinkpad T60 and the very pleasant UI... after returning to my normal workstation running Windows 10 everything felt like walking through thight high mud. So i decided to reinstall a "medium old" system i had at home ported my tools to it and over the last few weeks it graduated to become my main OS.

Perhaps i will stay on this setup until ReactOS becomes at least beta...
Hi everyone,

i thought this would be a good place to make my first post, say hello and give my 2 (euro-) cent why i am staying (or better: switching back) to XP:

I am an IT guy by trade and manage a Windows network for a medium sized company. After i had to replace a literally burnt laptop which uses a custom software to connect to a machine (which only runs on Systems up to XP) i had after nearly a decade again my first contact with Windows XP. What personally shocked me was the speed and responsiveness even on an Thinkpad T60 and the very pleasant UI... after returning to my normal workstation running Windows 10 everything felt like walking through thight high mud. So i decided to reinstall a "medium old" system i had at home ported my tools to it and over the last few weeks it graduated to become my main OS.

Perhaps i will stay on this setup until ReactOS becomes at least beta...
Solid. :) It's amazing how fast older software will run on newer hardware--that's part of the trick. But xp was a lot less bloaty than current windows OSes, so even on period correct hardware, it's still faster.
I like Thinkpads: They rarely throw nasty surprises at you when you have to fettle hardware. I am not a gamer, but for business type home usage, they are good, they are repairable, and usually safe to tinker with.
Lenovo and IBM made some of the best hardware. I still have several of these that are still working.
I like Thinkpads: They rarely throw nasty surprises at you when you have to fettle hardware. I am not a gamer, but for business type home usage, they are good, they are repairable, and usually safe to tinker with.
Lenovo and IBM made some of the best hardware. I still have several of these that are still working.
Hi everyone,

i thought this would be a good place to make my first post, say hello and give my 2 (euro-) cent why i am staying (or better: switching back) to XP:

I am an IT guy by trade and manage a Windows network for a medium sized company. After i had to replace a literally burnt laptop which uses a custom software to connect to a machine (which only runs on Systems up to XP) i had after nearly a decade again my first contact with Windows XP. What personally shocked me was the speed and responsiveness even on an Thinkpad T60 and the very pleasant UI... after returning to my normal workstation running Windows 10 everything felt like walking through thight high mud. So i decided to reinstall a "medium old" system i had at home ported my tools to it and over the last few weeks it graduated to become my main OS.

Perhaps i will stay on this setup until ReactOS becomes at least beta...
Welcome to our little forum.

I've not had success with the latest ReactOS, but hopefully it will improve overtime. Until that happens, I'd go with the live sessions from DVD or USB and it didn't mess up my XP at all doing so.

Good luck :)
And server 2003 is like xp64. Since you have both--what have you found that you can't run on 2003 that works on xp and vice versa?