I'm still using XP because it works great and it feels like home. I've genuinelly never come across a more comfortable operating system, and my use cases don't really dictate me using the latest programs, so I can make do with what it has to offer.
It's also just something I am extremely familiar with, both good and bad aspects of it. And I know it's not going to spy on me and sell my data to who-knows-who. I dual-boot XP with devuan for the few things that do require me to interact with the attrocious spectacle of horrors that is modern technology and web standards (I mainly use it to access websites that can only be accessed from recent FF and --once in a blue moon-- to develop some stuff) but nothing beats XP. Only Windows 98 and NT4.0 come even close to the holistic quality of XP. (I have not tried all windows versions however.)
If there's anything I wish for more than anything it's that more programs still supported it, and that the programs that matched the look-and-feel of the OS (and thus feel the homeliest), such as IE6 or Outlook Express, etc. were still usable nowadays without fearing for my privacy and security. I suppose I just wish it was less of an upstream battle to use it in the modern day. I wonder why people obsess so much over needing to replace the operating system every few years, it's not like we demolish all of our buildings whenever the construction company decides its time to make more profits, but it would seem the digital world is devoid of grounded logic.
I'm really glad I found a place like this one with people who actually still use XP rather than just kids roleplaying with VMs because its "retro" or "aesthetic". This OS is my digital home and people dont take that seriously at all, though more often than not these same people are just in kahoots with the construction company-- if you understand my implications.
I hope one day I can be good enough at coding that I will be able to help maintain the XP ecosystem alive.