Steam and XP after 1st of January 2019

Does your P4 have x64 support, iirc some of them do

Yes, but it's not enabled (it's a 2.8GHz Prescott). I prefer 32-bit XP anyway because it allows me to use some 16-bit apps designed for Windows 3.1 (like WinPlay3 v2.3b5; there is a 32-bit version available, but the 16-bit one uses less RAM [less than even Winamp 2.x!] and is amazingly stable).
You'd better stop using XP or the world is going to end and all that you know and hold dear will be penetrated & destroyed by the big bad hackers. We'll be hearing the same about Windows 10 in 5 years.
A never ending source of panic to power the extortion machine.
Your old hardware won't work with the new operating system.
Your old operating system won't work with the new hardware and software.
Better get the wallet and plastic out on the counter .... kaching! katching!
All because Microsoft is so worried about our security.
Gimme a break!
I'm calling BS.
Does your P4 have x64 support, iirc some of them do

The P4 (3.0 GHz) in my IBM G40 is actually a desktop processor. Not sure if it has 64 bit support or not. The G40 was one of the last laptops produced with the IBM moniker. That model was actually manufactured by Acer under contract with IBM.