Had to learn the original Dartmouth BASIC when I was an undergraduate.
NEVER, EVER, used it for anything!
Even though My dissertation required complex data analysis, it was performed using an off the shelf package: ESP (Econometric Software Package) And later when I revisited the field, using GLIM (General Linear Interactions Manipulator) Never hear of either of those any more!
One of my machines, for some reason or other, has Microsoft Visual BASIC loaded. Not used that either, though having given it a glance, I did feel that it would be a whole lot easier to use Dartmouth, even through 50 years ago since I last saw it!
NEVER, EVER, used it for anything!
Even though My dissertation required complex data analysis, it was performed using an off the shelf package: ESP (Econometric Software Package) And later when I revisited the field, using GLIM (General Linear Interactions Manipulator) Never hear of either of those any more!
One of my machines, for some reason or other, has Microsoft Visual BASIC loaded. Not used that either, though having given it a glance, I did feel that it would be a whole lot easier to use Dartmouth, even through 50 years ago since I last saw it!