Moving back to XP...

reply no.2, that link did not do much for me, too technical, If any info about me is being passed to others, I am okay with that, since my credit score is 0, I doubt that any one wants to steal my identity, :)
Not so much a question of "legal" all my copies (including spares) are. It's that WGA was the early attempt at telemetry for MS to read data off your, oh, hard drive serial number..and oh, gee, this isn't the same computer you installed XP on....BIOS data..that kind of stuff.
What really got me was the forced update, no choice, sort of like the BS they are doing now shifting folks to 10.
I am SO glad they cannot do that with XP, especially with my updates turned OFF deep inside so they cannot just remotely turn them back on.
Windows XP probably isn't the best operating system to use as your main machine because as you know xp is eol as of April 2014 also chrome has stopped updating under xp and vista so browsing the webs is getting a sticky wicket your best bet will probably be firefox but if you have to do online banking defiantly do not use XP!!
Asking for using Crome which steal your all information
Use good av and forget about it
Who ? Told you That?
Read this thread here
and provided links.
Surely XP/2k3 is best Windows and windows server made yet