Lock Him up .. Just curious what everyone thinks of dear leader Bill Gates

I've always had a horrible image of him but I'm a bit ahead of the curve on these things. I'm curious of what others think, with the CV issues front and center and regardless of what you believe on CV, what are your thoughts on the new villian. He's slipped up a couple of times and said things like vaccinations can help reduce the planet population by x amount and other scary things. There is good evidence of him being a stooge for the rockefellers and other elite families that are involved some shady things. Any change in mind since you bought your first copy of Windows 95 on Dear Leader ? , now more like Dr Death.
I always recall the line : "Greatest business mistake in the history of commerce: IBM trusting Bill Gates!"

There is also much from early days: Seattle Computer Co and QDOS which would cause me to question his bona fides.

What about licence agreements consisting of forty pages of gobbledegook, deliberately designed to get users to sign without reading.

Anyone who has been party to the evolution of Linux will probably find reasons to not trust the man.

So I think there is much factual material to make me cautious with respect to Bill Gates.

BUT, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, lets not have our site turned into yet another vehicle for spreading of conspiracy theory crap. There is sufficient already on the web.
... the arrogance of the big 2 (ms & apple) is the reason my working pc platform is linux ... one recreational pc in xp pro
Considering I'm posting this message from a desktop computer that is more than 15 years old and is running Windows XP, and recognizing Bill Gates was still with Microsoft at the time of XP, I have to admit that I'm rather grateful for the guy in the context of Windows XP, that is. Sure, I'm skeptical of his association with -- and financing of -- The World Health Organization, however I'm also skeptical about many other people, organizations, and institutions. Nevertheless, I don't think it'd be fair or me to be rabidly anti-Gates simply because of his apparent global aspirations, especially since I am typing this message from an operating system that he was likely invovled in creating.

While we were sleeping Billy boy became the largest owner of farmland in the U.S . I'm not sure what that means, expect a food shortage or some other crisis.
I noticed this item from a news article a few days ago. Interesting.
Considering I'm posting this message from a desktop computer that is more than 15 years old and is running Windows XP, and recognizing Bill Gates was still with Microsoft at the time of XP, I have to admit that I'm rather grateful for the guy in the context of Windows XP, that is. Sure, I'm skeptical of his association with -- and financing of -- The World Health Organization, however I'm also skeptical about many other people, organizations, and institutions. Nevertheless, I don't think it'd be fair or me to be rabidly anti-Gates simply because of his apparent global aspirations, especially since I am typing this message from an operating system that he was likely invovled in creating.

I noticed this item from a news article a few days ago. Interesting.

Jeff Bezos would qualify for global aspirations, Bill is more like global domination. I don't think your characterization of Bill fits. He does have few deaths under his belt and many more injuries, he's a major force behind the troubling things in the world today, vaccinations, a tracked and surveilled world, a disturbing bio security agenda, these are a few of the things Bill supports or actively pushes. These things are like anti poverty campaigns, they sounds nice at first but in the long run they do more harm than good and are usually used to consolidate power.

Microsoft's witnesses in the trial “proved, time and time again, to be inaccurate, misleading, evasive, and transparently false.”

Judge Jackson DC District Court
It is wise to distrust folks who you do not personally know.

The saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is not a bad one. With an enemy, you know their position quite well, and therefore you can distrust them without explanation.
The $billionaires (Hughes, Gates, Soros, Bloomberg etc, etc ... )all seem to get "egocentric" (they think they are the center of the multiverse) after a while.
Breaking news.. Melinda Gates finally discoveres the inernet .. I think the timing says it all, not many billionaires get divorced in their golden years unless one of them is behaving badly.

From NBC News:

Bill and Melinda Gates announced on Monday they were ending their 27-year marriage.

Bill and Melinda Gates are getting a divorce. The couple has been married for 27 years. The couple said they no longer “believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives.”
odd what causes mates to separate, I have lived with my boyfriend for 22 years, and one day he just decided that he no longer wanted to be with me, my guess was that he wanted a younger model :)
odd what causes mates to separate, I have lived with my boyfriend for 22 years, and one day he just decided that he no longer wanted to be with me, my guess was that he wanted a younger model :)

But you're not a 80 year old billionaire with 100,000 signatures to have you tried for war crimes. Bill is now the subject of lawsuits all around the world. petitionsto have investigated, he's the topic of parlimentary debates and it's open fact that he funded 99% of the CV trickery. I can't imagine a reason that beats those for divorce.
I've always had a horrible image of him but I'm a bit ahead of the curve on these things. I'm curious of what others think...
I think you've a completely pompous ass. Anyone who's actually wise knows that they don't know everything, not the other way around.

As far as gates or anyone else--until I've met them personally and had the opportunity to make a first-hand assessment, I won't be holding any armchair internet court sessions like this one...
I think you've a completely pompous ass. Anyone who's actually wise knows that they don't know everything, not the other way around.

As far as gates or anyone else--until I've met them personally and had the opportunity to make a first-hand assessment, I won't be holding any armchair internet court sessions like this one...

Spoken like a true idiot

first nobody is talking about wiseness, we are talking about one specific man with lots of info about him. mostly negative.

second nobody needs to meet anyone, how dumb is that ? by this logic Hitler would be a nice guy because we never got to meet him and pass judegment in person.

you're an embarrasment to the forum. not to mention in your opening line I'm an ass then 2 lines down you don't pass judgment until you meet someone in person. that makes sense. you can't even stop yourself from putting your own foot in your mouth.