Academically speaking <PITA mode ONSince I didn't have anything else pressing, I yanked one of the HDD's and the Graphics card which allowed me to replace the CR2032 battery. Didn't make a difference. Old battery tested at 2.92V while new one was at 3.3V.
Better load it with a decently high resistor (even your moistened fingers would do). <PITA mode OFF>.
Which definitely rules out the battery as a possible culprit. Well, it was a possibility...After replacing this battery I again tried shorting the Power Switch jumper pins on the Front Panel pin-out.... no joy.
I have discomforting news for you: apart from the lack of a ¢50 speaker (not easily forgiven), the sardine can in your photos lies right in the middle of the Gaussian curve - in other words the affordable ones are all more or less like that: roughly stamped anodized sheet iron, sharp edges, minimal care for the ease of assembly, usually one screw or three missing... economy tourist, so to speak. The first class ones (provided that they're still available) come at outrageous prices - and once the coffin is closed no one will ever notice the difference.Along the way I noticed something I should have made note of already, there is nothing connected to the 4 pins for "chassis mounted warning speaker". This cheapo nightmare knuckle buster case didn't even include a speaker. Who ever designed this case was obviously a 1st degree white belt idiot who surely never had to actually install components in his monstrosity! I've already run out of foul language just dealing with what should be the most simple diagnostic procedures.
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