Well that is quite staggering news to say the very least. 
how do you edit posts on here? (For me it's not there)@legacyfan , could you post the links to articles you post, please? Always post the links, don't forget these, of course...Thank you!
Eh oui, trop tard! Yes, it's too late!how do you edit posts on here? (For me it's not there)
This is so beautiful.Tian Shan high mountains in Central Asia: A look into millions of years of geological history
1/2/2023, 5:58:01 AM
An astronaut photographed the heavenly mountains from space. The formation allows a journey into the past of our planet and is crucial for cotton production in China.
Enlarge image - Fascinating rock formation: In Chinese, Tian Shan means »heavenly mountains«
Photo: NASA Earth Observatory
Sometimes the beauty of the earth only really becomes clear from space.
The high mountains of Tian Shan or Tienschan in German in Central Asia is such a case.
This is also made clear by a picture taken by an astronaut on the International Space Station ISS at the beginning of the year and which has now been published by the American space agency Nasa as “Picture of the Day”.
Tian Shan translates to "Heavenly Mountain" and especially covered in snow and ice, the formation really looks otherworldly.
In fact, anything but heavenly forces were at work here.
On the contrary: there must have been a bang when the beautifully layered rocks took their shape.
The Tian Shan is one of the largest mountain ranges in the world, stretching some 2,500 kilometers across Central Asia, mainly along the Kyrgyzstan-China border.
It was created about 300 million years ago when a former part of the Australian continent met Eurasia and pushed the earth up.
Tensions between the continental plates erupted in violent tremors.
In the following millions of years, there were collisions with volcanic islands and the Indian subcontinent.
Today the highest mountain in the Tian Shan Mountains is about 7440 meters high.
Visible from space are ridges of the central part of the mountain range in Xinjiang, China.
Apart from snow and ice, the bands of color in the rock are caused by superimposed layers of sediment from different phases of the earth's history.
Geologists speak of faults.
They provide clues to the age of the thrust rock.
Red stands for the Devonian period around 400 million years ago...
MORE: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2023-01-02...of-years-of-geological-history.HkfDN1e5s.html
Forgiving yourself is easier said than done but need to try. Thanks for the great posting.https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201912/ten-tips-the-new-year Ten Tips for the New Year!
New Year’s resolutions really only work for gyms. They get lots of sign-ups, but more than half the people who make the costly commitment do not follow through. Personally, I like to be inspired, not directed, and forcing myself into a smelly gym is not my thing. Here are some other ideas about making changes that may work a little better for you, too, as you prepare for the New Year.
Believe in fresh starts. Most people either have this attitude or would like to have it. Make it a reality for yourself by adopting a fresh-start mindset. Everything is new again, and you get a psychic do-over on January 1.
See your resolutions as a growth process. Making a list of the changes you want to see in your life is a good way to start off the New Year, and knowing that you don’t have to do them all at once also helps.
Let go of past resentments. I do this every year. For most of us, everyday living can sometimes trigger bad memories. And even if you’re in the habit of regularly letting go of negative emotions, an annual purge won’t hurt.
Prepare for the year ahead. It may be a good time to do some financial planning, like creating a budget or getting your taxes going. Squaring away as much of your financial burden as you can at the start of the year will make the rest easier.
Choose a healthy lifestyle. This isn’t a one-time thing but rather an ongoing choice and attitude toward life. Joining a gym won’t help you if you eat junk food. It’s all about balance and making decisions that you just know are good for you.
Forgive yourself first. You may not see it, but you’ve probably been too hard on yourself this past year, and it would be a good to let yourself off the hook. None of us is perfect. We all make mistakes, and perhaps yours was not even that profound, so stop giving yourself grief. Let it go.
Apologize if you need to. Is there anyone to whom you owe an apology? If so, why not get it over with and use the holiday spirit as a motivational tool? Admitting you were wrong can be hard, but living with the regret or guilt is harder. All it takes is a simple “I’m sorry.”
Be better to yourself. Usually we make resolutions for other people, but it’s wise to make a promise to be better to yourself as well. This doesn’t mean to be indulgent but to be psychically kinder to yourself.
Keep your cool. This is going to be a very interesting political year, and everyone is going to have an opinion. I strongly urge you to choose to participate but to also keep any toxicity away from your relationships.
Keep your promises. A resolution is a promise you’ve made to yourself, and that’s a good thing. Keeping promises you’ve made to those who count on you is even better. We all slip up sometimes. When that happens, it’s important to remember that we’re only human and then have the courage to own up.
This is a new year, with new joys and challenges. Be open to the good, don’t hold on to the bad, and try to be a little bit nicer than anyone else. That alone can make for a good year
Get out of this house at last, come out.... see what a beautiful sun, a light breeze, what are you waiting for? and then when you can not anymore, you will hardly regret your laziness.....- says to me (sometimes) my wife.... Because I am still in front of the PC screen!.... I am already improving, less and less in front of the screen, more and more outside!....Forgiving yourself is easier said than done but need to try.
Yeah, I know, the days go by and I, I don't know, waiting for the world to change and I'll be dead. I don't know, glad you are getting out and I think not posting over at the other forum in the Detox thread and instead helping others over there and this here has been a weight off your shoulders.Get out of this house at last, come out.... see what a beautiful sun, a light breeze, what are you waiting for? and then when you can not anymore, you will hardly regret your laziness.....- says to me (sometimes) my wife.... Because I am still in front of the PC screen!.... I am already improving, less and less in front of the screen, more and more outside!....