Direct2D is disabled, so no hardware accelerated layers or cleartype is enabled, also, H264 decoding is disabled as well. You driver is from 2009 which could explain why those features are disabled. Try updating your drivers from here Download Drivers using the automatic detection tool, there should be at least a 2010 driver for you, which should enable at least hardware acceleration for the main browser thread (therefore, accelerating your browsing experience).
If you happen to update your drivers to the latest version (at least superior than the 2009 one you currently have) and H264 decoding is still blacklisted for your GPU, look for media.hardware-video-decoding.failed: true in about:config page and set that to false, restarting your browser afterwards.
If this last works for you, Firefox could revert this setting back if any update is available, in that case, you can always create a user.js file with this pasted into it:
user_pref("media.hardware-video-decoding.failed", false);
and saved in the same place your profile files are located (typicaly C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Your Profile or xxxxx.default if you use FF defaults]
This way you will always override Firefox GPU detection.
(I leave the file zipped with the pref for a quick use in case you need it)
But first, try updating your drivers, 2009 drvers for any AMD card are known for being blacklisted and being problematic with Firefox, I had to do that with my HD 3200 card...
Hope this helps you
Ethan Stark
If you happen to update your drivers to the latest version (at least superior than the 2009 one you currently have) and H264 decoding is still blacklisted for your GPU, look for media.hardware-video-decoding.failed: true in about:config page and set that to false, restarting your browser afterwards.
If this last works for you, Firefox could revert this setting back if any update is available, in that case, you can always create a user.js file with this pasted into it:
user_pref("media.hardware-video-decoding.failed", false);
and saved in the same place your profile files are located (typicaly C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Your Profile or xxxxx.default if you use FF defaults]
This way you will always override Firefox GPU detection.
(I leave the file zipped with the pref for a quick use in case you need it)
But first, try updating your drivers, 2009 drvers for any AMD card are known for being blacklisted and being problematic with Firefox, I had to do that with my HD 3200 card...
Hope this helps you
Ethan Stark