Hi there and hope you are well.I tried Supermium Version 124.0.6367.245 R2 on Windows XP SP3. It started with an error message saying something is not available on my Windows XP system. It could access websites even then, but I cannot recommend it to anyone with this kind of bug in it. It is out of question.
Ok, thank you and I did just that and zipped it was even smaller in size (65.68MB). I also made a mistake on my posting - I meant 360 Chrome V11.0.2251.0. This is portable and V11 works a little better on youtube but there are some sites that require V13 such as msn. Still good to keep around though.Mediafire is what I use.
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.www.mediafire.com
Good download speeds and is XP browser friendly. No account creation required.
Here is something I uploaded August 2022.
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.www.mediafire.com
Ok. so. I tried with the newest Supermium and I found this didn't help much. However I had better success with the following rebase to:Another option if you are trying Supermium or Thorium on aged hardware and are not having luck - you could try rebasing Chrome.dll
Use MS Rebase 6.0.6001.17129 (just search google and download from a reputable site)
I found:
rebase.exe -b 0x60000000 Chrome.dll
I meant please *Note* the space before the 2 hyphens.Okay and OK
So I just realized that that shortcut for my 360 V11 is only good if you put the folder in program files, so when you create a shortcut to 360 please make sure you use the following flags/switches in the target line of the shortcut after wherever you decide to place this folder. I put it in c program files so mine look like this.
"C:\Program Files\360\360chrome.exe" --no-first-run --disable-file-system --disable-gpu --disable-logging --disable-webgl --disable-component-update --disable-background-networking --ssl-version-min=tls1.2 --enable-strict-mixed-content-checking --no-pings
Please not the space before the 2 hyphens.
--no-first-run --disable-file-system --disable-gpu --disable-logging --disable-webgl --disable-component-update --disable-background-networking --ssl-version-min=tls1.2 --enable-strict-mixed-content-checking --no-pings