360 Extreme Explorer (Chrome 69 for Windows XP)

Mina from another forum helped us with DC Browser to ignore the (supposed) insecure certificate. I've been manually importing the certs from FF 52.9.1 and Mypal directly on to my computer and its getting better for 360 V13.0.2170.0 and take the components from 13.5 other than Chrome.dll because that application rejects it, but the smaller we can butcher and remove anything unneeded and smaller in size will help. I also remove Options when I have everything and the browser is snappy and then I can put it if I need to change something because the settings are saved in:

Preferences and Web Data files.

I have faith in you @ArcticFoxie ... this is going to be a privacy type browser and we'll get there.

Good luck :)

Bitchute doesn't work on anything but V13, not even Mypal or Serpent 52 nor 55 ...


Although MyPal won't display Bitchute videos the site's search-engine works okay. I just search for the video I want, paste the URL into:


and download it. A bit of a hassle but I don't often use Bitchute as most of the stuff that interests me is also on Rumble, which is much faster to download from.
Thanks so much for this thread. I just installed version 11 on 32 bit XP SP3 and it's like having a new computer. I was experiencing a 10-30 second lag before the IMDB or a YouTube video would load in MyPal 28.9.3 and Serpent 52.9.2, Now both load instantaneously. uBlok Origin installed perfectly too. This is amazing!
Hi @Marius ... hope all is well, of course.

I hate to steal anybody's joy, whilist YT videos do play on V11, can you search via the search menu on YT? Most of can not and have to use another method. This is the main reason much of us have decided to switch to either V12 (which I don't care much for) or what most of us have made the "jump" to V13 - even though it is heaver than V11.

Please when you can let us know, and either way, glad to see you are enjoying 360 Chrome.


Mypal 68 is much better than Mypal 29 (or as you mentioned 28) and, frankly, I'm surprised you only experienced a 30 dally/lag waiting for a video to play - as I have to wait for a minimum of 40 seconds to 70 seconds on Serpent and New Moon and sad to say I have to give them up.

Good luck to you :)
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Hi @MariusI hate to steal anybody's joy, whilist YT videos do play on V11, can you search via the search menu on YT? Most of can not and have to use another method. This is the main reason much of us have decided to switch to either V12 (which I don't care much for) or what most of us have made the "jump" to V13 - even though it is heaver than V11.

Please when you can let us know, and either way, glad to see you are enjoying 360 Chrome.

Thanks, I guess I'm pretty lucky. YT search is like lightning - no problems at all. Here's a screenshot:

Mypal 68 is much better than Mypal 29 (or as you mentioned 28) and, frankly, I'm surprised you only experienced a 30 dally/lag waiting for a video to play - as I have to wait for a minimum of 40 seconds to 70 seconds on Serpent and New Moon and sad to say I have to give them up.

I tried MyPal 68 a while ago but I couldn't open any websites at all. The browser just wouldn't connect for some reason. I didn't spend much time troubleshooting (i.e. pestering more knowledgeable folk on this forum) because only reason I wanted to upgrade was because of YouTube (I wrongly assumed that my bad experience of the IMDB was down to their slow servers) and the fact that MyPal started displaying Google search results in tablet mode (and still does). I posted about it here:


I ended up using Serpent for Google. Mypal 29 still works great for every site I use except for Google, IMDB and YouTube.
Thanks, I guess I'm pretty lucky. YT search is like lightning - no problems at all. Here's a screenshot:

Hi again, @Marius ..

Shhhh ... would want to jinx yourself.

Out of curiosity, I fired up my V11 and youtube will not search - are you by chance using the Humming Owl version V11 because AF V11 I'm out of luck ... well, lots of luck just not anything good lol.

Take good care.
Hi again, @Marius ..

Shhhh ... would want to jinx yourself...

It's bad luck to be superstitious. :p

I installed:


from https://archive.org/details/360EE_Modified_Version

which I think is Humming Owl's version. I can't believe how well it works. It displays Bitchute videos and as an added bonus the "other bookmarks" tab - where I put all my YouTube bookmarks - stays open as I click one link after another with the mouse's middle wheel to open multiple tabs. In FlashPeak Slimjet, which I mostly used for YT before, I had to reopen the bookmarks menu after clicking each link. As I tend to visit YT every few days and open several channels at once this is a great time-saver.

Incidentally, when clicking on a link like:


(and many other sites) in 360 I get a certificate error and the message:

"Your connection is not private

Attackers may steal your information (for example: passwords, messages, or credit cards)".

and have to click on "Ignore the warning and continue".

Reading a thread on MSFN Org I read this advice (relating to the DC Browser):

"If you run DC Browser from desktop shortcut, right click on it and select Properties, add --ignore-certificate-errors at the end in the Target textbox in the Properties Dialog box".

Do you know if that's likely to work in 360? If so, would I just edit:

"C:\Program Files\Chrome-bin\360chrome.exe"

to read:

"C:\Program Files\Chrome-bin\360chrome.exe--ignore-certificate-errors"

I'm pretty clueless, as you can see!

TIA and good luck getting YT search up and running!
this project is turning out really great so far and we have @ArcticFoxie and @HummingOwl at MSFN and everyone else that has contributed to this to thank for such a great browser and how much time and effort has been put into it as a whole (great job everyone!)
Can't seem to download his work.

I get empty files that won't extract.


  • 360ee1.png
    33.8 KB · Views: 27
Looks like the download links to ArcticFoxies versions have been removed.
I think he said not long ago he was working on a 13.5.1030 rebuild 8 version.
I'm using his 13.5.1030 rebuild 7 ungoogled.
Seems like you have an old version of WinRAR that doesn't recognize 7Zip files. Download the latest version of 7Zip (freeware) and try extracting the same file again.


I just downloaded HummingOwl's 360ExtremeExplorer (can't find ArcticFoxie's anymore) and was able to extract all files with 7Zip and load the browser.


Just used my NAS the other day to unpack it. I'll get to checking it out soon I suspect.
Thus far ... I've stood by the arcticfoxie builds and use V11 ungoogled with very good performance and results.


The 2nd link is for the ungoogled version and to my knowledge there are any updates to be expected, so we're using it until it 'poops out' on us and keep our fingers crossed that day is in the distant future. Lol ;)

360 Extreme Explorer is a web browser developed by Qihoo 360, a Chinese internet security company. It is known for its fast speed, customizable features, and excellent security measures. The browser offers various useful functions such as ad-blocker, anti-phishing protection, and anti-tracking, making it a reliable choice for online browsing.

Moreover, 360 Extreme Explorer has a user-friendly interface and supports multiple tabs, making it easy for users to navigate through multiple web pages simultaneously. It also has a built-in download manager that allows users to download files at high speeds.