Windows XP - Can I set up for WIFI Internet? (How to?)

Hi. For some years now I have been off-grid, and have been forced into using laptops and tablets instead of the usual tower machines I once had set up with legitimate copies of XP, and I own four copies including one server version, which were installed into computers I no longer use.

I have recently installed a copy of XP that I wasn't using anymore, into a forgotten laptop which I discovered in the back shelves of my workshop, I have it working, but I really hadn't planned to use it on line, I wanted it for taking to the workbench to view service manuals etc. To do this, I need to install a PDF viewer.

As I have nearly always used Adobe, I went looking for a copy and found that DC versions abound, but whenever I find a downloadable version, as I have to download it on a different computer, which runs Win 10, the downloads don't want to let me have an XP version.

So, if I can put the XP laptop on line just for the download, that problem would be solved.

How can I set up the HP Compaq running XP, to operate on my WIFI internet ? It seems to think that if I want internet I have to be connected to a telephone line. I can set it up for WIFI but it seems this was used only for local area networks back in the day Would this be correct?.

Is there a simple solution?
Do your XP computers have Wi-fi cards in them? If so, you can install the appropriate drivers and go from there. If not, you can still find USB Wi-fi dongles on eBay that claim to support XP. I haven't tried them, however, so I have no idea if that claim is true or not.
Do your XP computers have Wi-fi cards in them? If so, you can install the appropriate drivers and go from there. If not, you can still find USB Wi-fi dongles on eBay that claim to support XP. I haven't tried them, however, so I have no idea if that claim is true or not.
Hi. Thanks for the response. I must have a wifi card because I can bring up the list of wifi options in my area. There are at least a dozen, as well as my own wifi internet modem which I am using with two Win 10 laptops. So I will look for a driver as you suggest.
Thanks again
But when you select the wifi you want (from the list) there is no place in that box to enter a password. It DOES give the impression that it wants one.. I DID find a place somewhere that I entered the password, and when I go back there, it shows a row of dots,so the password is still there, but apparently this location is invalid for WIFI. I went looking for a driver, as suggested, but as I don't have wifi on that computer, and consequently no internet with it yet, naturally, I had to use a different computer, and as this one is running Win 10, the auto-detect on most of these sites wants to download a Win 10 driver. I DID manage to download an XP driver,( t THINK), but maybe I havent installed it in the correct directory as its still not working, there is no manifestation of it at all.So I have yet to look into this a bit further,
Ive just fired it up so that I might be a little more specific with the details. In one place "Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you on to the network"..When I look at the list of available networks (It's much prettier than the one in Win 10!), I get "STATUS - Validating Identity"... "This network requires a network key. You are currently connected to this network. To disconnect from this network click 'DISCONNECT' below. I've also located that driver which is for putting WIFI into XP (If it wasn't there already)....I wasn't sure that it was being run, so I went in and manually ran it, but it didn't make any difference.
Maybe you entered a different password than the current one. Try right-clicking it and selecting 'Forget' (if it exists, I don't know if it does in XP). This will delete all saved passwords and other info about the network. Then you can try to reconnect.
Elizabeth is correct. If you are seeing a list of networks to connect to you already have the wireless drivers installed. It sounds more like some mis-configuration with your wireless router.
I'm going to try this in a minute. Because I couldn't get online the activation 28 days just expired, and I couldn't do anything useful at all. Couldn't even run the thing on windows OR Dos from external CDs. I've had to reformat the HD and reinstall XP to get another 28 days..
Hi All,
No, Following the steps in the above link didn't help at all - actually I think I had tried them under someone elses suggestion.previously - but no harm in trying again - my version didnt work QUITE as given but with a bit of to-ing and fro-ing I was able to follow the procedure, but same set of error messages and still no wifi internet.....