Problem with User Account

Background: I have recently turned on my previous video editing machine as I wish to access some old projects and export the videos in a different (higher quality) format from the edit which is on the machine. I have not used the machine since 2016 and it was built in 2008 using Windows XP professional SP2 32bit. It was a very powerful machine for its day but built using a RAID of 4 disks so not the most straightforward configuration. It was always a stand-alone machine, so not used on an office network. I was never particularly aware of User Accounts as it wasn't relevant - it just worked for me. I THINK I had to click on the user "Administrator" to log in (without a password) but it might have just loaded up in the profile which I used, as I used a number of different XP machines back then which were all a bit different.

Earlier this month, it took a while to get the system going and configure the setup to actually work but I have successfully managed to get into Windows. However when I first managed to get it going, it appeared to be "setting Windows up" which I didn't really think about, but now it is saying that I have 30 days to activate Windows and it appears to have created a new profile for me. The problem is, I can't seem to load a lot of the software which I need - I can see it within "c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator" but without being logged in as Administrator I can't seem to make it run. I have created a new User Profile and tried copying the relevant files (most of them - from the Administrator into this new profile) but it still is not happy. When I re-set it up it seems to have created a User Profile with the name "Administrator.WORLD-1CED3E37"

I think I need to log in by default as the "Administrator" but don't seem to have this option. Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance for any advice you can give. I can post some screen shots if helpful.

can you boot to safe mode? if so create a new account with admin priveledges and transfer all files to the new account, once done, reboot, choose the new account and delete the other account

can you reinstall the programs?
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks so much for your reply. Firstly I don't have the install disks for the programs and I understand the authorization servers for the software (Adobe CS3) have been switched off - so that avenue is closed off.

I'll try booting to safe mode and copying the files as you suggest, but how would that be different from what I already tried (by creating a new profile and copying the files - but not in safe mode)?
copying files will not install a program, there are many registry entries also, if the programs are installed and working on a pc, then you could take an image of the drive and this image would copy programs and data.

if windows was setting up, then you reinstalled windows or you would not be getting an activation window, if this is the case then your programs are toast as you cannot backup programs only data.

as for your reply sometimes safe mode handles changes without interference from other programs as it is a very basic fail safe.

any specific error messages?