Need help on windows xp. Minimising shortcut to desktop.

Hi there, so i own a little shop and i have a pos software that is installed on a Windows xp. The way it is setup is that whenever the computer is turned on the pos application opens up itself for the cashier to log in. So there is no windows bar or anything it's just a full screen pos application. What I want to know is how do I minimise the application to get to the desktop or use it as a normal pc like browsing my computer and all. I had it installed by a local company and they wouldn't tell me how to access the desktop.

I want to install a new touch screen monitor and they are asking for a lot of money for a small task. So If i could just access the the system as a regular pc I can install the touch screen driver my self and save myself from extortionate price.

I tried pressing "Windows + D" but it didn't do anything. So please let me know if there is any shortcuts to minimise the running pos application and access the pc as a normal desktop.

Thanks for you help in advance.
You could try WinKey+M for Minimize. Or you could try WinKey+E for explorer. What about WinKey+R for a Run window?

Since it's a POS machine, it is likely an embedded system not like a normal desktop and will have limited function (as is intended). Otherwise, it could be misused by a hostile actor.
You could try WinKey+M for Minimize. Or you could try WinKey+E for explorer. What about WinKey+R for a Run window?

Since it's a POS machine, it is likely an embedded system not like a normal desktop and will have limited function (as is intended). Otherwise, it could be misused by a hostile actor.

I tried winkey + m but that didn't work either. I know what you mean about it being limited functioned but I have seen the technician use some shortcut to get to the desktop. Once he pressee the keys on keyboard it minimised the application and turned into a normal pc like all other i have seen. The application probably runs itself after booting like a script or something.

I can understand why they wouldn't want anyone to use it cuz they can mess it up but asking 400 . I have installed the same driver on my home pc to test the new touch screen and it works fine. I just need to be able to access the desktop or windows so I can install the driver.
It may be a keystroke that's exclusive to the program.

And of course, they're going to play gatekeeper because of money. You may be better off searching elsewhere on the web. Such as "Windows POS how to get to desktop."

Or, install a key logger USB dongle. Next time they come in, have it ready for them.

Have you tried CTRL+ESC? This is an alternate way to bring up the windows menu.