Cannot Access Two Webmail Accounts with XP Browsers

I'm a huge fan of ad and snooping free webmail accounts.

I've got three:

Disroot account login with K-Meleon, Mypal, NewMoon, or Basilisk/Serpent is good. No problems.
I see "ProtonMail loading," but the login screen never appears. Tutanota login window is blank.
I see nothing.

I'm using the latest versions of all XP browsers.

6-to-12 months ago all three webmail accounts functioned normally. I assume ProtonMail and
Tutanota made site changes that are not compatible with XP browsers. Just a guess, I really
don't know.

Maybe toggling a few about:config settings might fix the problem. Any suggestions would be
I sent a message to ProtonMail support. They replied quickly and made several suggestions.
I'm 95% certain the problem is XP. I suppose tinkering with browser settings might work.

There are a couple of XP compatible browsers built with the Qt WebKit. I recently downloaded
Nano Browser, built with the Qt WebEngine. It's a barebones browser that has some problems.

A website that never rendered correctly with other XP browsers, looked good with Nano Browser.
I'm working with some guys at a Qt development forum. If I can fix the problems with Nano
Browser, it could be the "go to" browser for XP users when visiting sites that do not render
Protonmail just takes a while to load but works fine with XP and mypal 28. I never had a problem logging in even with mypal 25. I also have no script and adblock and canvas block and many other add ons and it stil works once you allow protonmail. It would be extremely rare for some operating system to not work with a web page, it all comes down to the browser support.